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Theatre de Klunka


london 2003
berlin 2005

Theatre de Klunka - transitstation berlin 2005
Photo: Cordelia Masthoff
transitstation berlin 2005
Physical Theatre

The Maids, by Jean Genet: "an intense experimental drama with a dark back drop and musical overtures", performed by Hannah Richards and Esther Biddle.

Jean Genet's Stück, The Maids : " ein intensives, experimentelles Drama mit einem Dunkelheitrückseitentropfen und einem musikalischen Unterton...", aufgeführt von Hannah Richards und Esther Biddle.

Theatre de Klunka - transitstation berlin 2005 Theatre de Klunka - transitstation berlin 2005
Theatre de Klunka - transitstation berlin 2005 Theatre de Klunka - transitstation berlin 2005
Photos: Cordelia Masthoff
transitstation berlin 2005
Theatre de Klunka presents Stoll

Theatre de Klunka have taken a vow of silence to ensure the experimental and top secret techniques employed by the company are never revealed.

Theatre de Klunka is Hannah Richards, Anna Sanczuk and Helen Bolitho.

In a rose covered mist a violin can be heard
Figure's tango in shallow light mixing desire with pain
Shadows can be seen walking behind you.

Da. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
Shantih shantih shantih

Theatre de Klunka - transitstation london 2003
Theatre de Klunka - transitstation london 2003
